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The Grocery Bagging Hack That'll Save You From Using Plastic Bags Ever Again

It seems people are always coming up with innovative ways to avoid using plastic bags and improve their grocery shopping experience, from buying foods in bulk to purchasing reusable grocery bag sets. But instead of buying something new, it's possible you already have a solution sitting at home.

"One-trip grocery" memes, showing people weighed down with countless plastic bags, attempting to bring all of their groceries into the house at one time, have been hilariously circulating for decades. While amusing, you may be able to eliminate the need for single-use bags and save your strength (and fingers) with a more balanced approach by using laundry baskets. Stowing a couple of laundry baskets in the trunk of your car can make your next grocery trip easier, faster, and more environmentally friendly.

Using a laundry basket for groceries

To give this hack a try, start by putting a couple of laundry baskets in your trunk before leaving home. Go to the grocery store and shop as usual, but when you get to the checkout, skip the bags and just put all of the items back into the cart. Roll your goods out to the car and load up the laundry baskets. Know there are still things to remember when bagging (or in this case basketing) your groceries, such as sensibly putting heavier, more durable items at the bottom.

Hopefully, you can lug it all to your kitchen in one trip. But with all of the time you saved not bagging the groceries, a second trip isn't so onerous. It also leaves time to focus on other ways to make food shopping simpler, such as using a reverse shopping list or by avoiding these grocery shopping mistakes you don't realize you're making.
