The Unique Way Texas Drinks This Iconic Soda

Texas has a bit of a reputation for doing things its own way, especially when it comes to food. Not only does Texas do everything bigger, like having an Austin restaurant that can seat 2,500 people, but it's also full of regional foods that set the Lone Star State apart. Even classic non-regional dishes can get their own special Texan flair.

Drinks are no exception to the Texan way of doing things, especially when it comes to Dr. Pepper. Although Dr. Pepper is already a Texas invention – the state has an entire museum dedicated to the soda — some Texans still have an unusual way of drinking the popular soda: hot and with a dash of lemon. This method of drinking Dr. Pepper is so popular that some people even prepare it by the crockpot-full, ladling it out at parties.

Drinking soda hot (180 degrees Fahrenheit to be exact) in general sounds off-putting for many, but "hot Dr. Pepper" has been making the rounds on social media, enjoying a full-on revival. It may not be as widely loved as other Texan classics, like chicken fried steak, but Texans still encourage people to give hot Dr. Pepper with lemon a try.

Hot soda with a side of lemon

Though it may seem a random combination of heat and lemon, the hot Dr. Pepper was created with a very specific goal in mind. The recipe supposedly goes back to 1958, when Dr. Pepper company president Wesby R. Parker looked to pump up wintertime sales. His answer was a new recipe that changed up the temperature and added a hit of acid. In the 1960s, hot Dr. Pepper with lemon was actually advertised in multiple forms of media, including in TV ads, as the perfect holiday drink.

Some advertisements encouraged alcoholic versions of hot Dr. Pepper, known as a Boomer. However, the alcohol-free version ultimately proved to be more popular. Back in the '60s and '70s, you could find hot Dr. Pepper at concession stands at sports games or served at local house parties.

Hot Dr. Pepper with lemon has somewhat fallen out of fashion over the years but some Texans still hold it near and dear to their hearts. Many Texans are still making it during the holidays or as a treat when they feel under the weather. Plus, it's super easy to make. To make your own, gently heat some Dr. Pepper to 180 degrees Fahrenheit then pour it over a thin lemon slice in a cup of your choosing.
