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The Easiest Way To Keep A Grilled Cheese Warm On The Go

Whether you're in the office, on set, or on the go, a portable lunch is essential for delivering satiating, satisfying bites that keep you in motion. Unfortunately, a packed lunch doesn't always flaunt a freshly made appeal, which means melty, ooey-gooey, ultra-crispy grilled cheese is off the table for a packed lunch. That is, unless, you store it in a thermos.

Thermoses work by minimizing heat transfer through conduction, convection, and radiation — the primary methods by which heat escapes from food. The vacuum between the double walls is created during manufacturing by removing the air from the space between the inner and outer walls, eliminating most of its gas molecules. This vacuum acts as an insulation barrier, preventing heat transfer by conduction, which occurs through direct contact, and convection, which occurs by movement. Additionally, the reflective inner surface helps minimize heat loss through radiation, a process where heat energy escapes in the form of electromagnetic waves. Without the reflective surface, heat would radiate outward, but the reflective coating redirects this heat back into the contents. Together, these insulation techniques keep grilled cheese sandwiches warm and fresh for four to 24 hours, depending on the quality of the thermos.

Tips for storing a grilled cheese in a thermos

Although there are no rules detailing which foodstuffs belong in a thermos, their cylindrical shape is best suited for liquid ingredients or dishes like noodles, rice, and other meals consumed with utensils. Luckily, with a little bit of handy work, you can store a grilled cheese inside of a thermos without damaging its structure and aesthetic appeal. The simplest way to fit a grilled cheese inside of a thermos is to cut or slice it into smaller, still-sandwich-shaped pieces.

Consider cooking your grilled cheese just before leaving the house to ensure that it maintains its fresh-off-the-grill bravado throughout the day. As you cook it, fill the thermos with hot water to preheat the inner walls and prevent the grilled cheese from losing heat to a cool surface — don't forget to thoroughly dry it before adding the grilled cheese. If you're a foodie who's frequently on the go, invest in a high-quality thermos to keep your three-cheese sandwich and other meals warm (or cold) for longer. To ensure food safety, purchase a thermos that keeps hot foods above 140 degrees Fahrenheit and cold foods below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If they fall outside these ranges, bacteria can grow rapidly after two hours, rendering the food unsafe for consumption.

Whether you keep yours simple with a sole slice of Kraft singles or jazz it up with Gordon Ramsay-approved fixings, you can add grilled cheeses to your packed lunch repertoire with the help of a well-made thermos. Just don't forget to pack a second thermos filled with tomato basil soup to pair with your famous on-the-go grilled cheese sandwich.
