This Is Your Go-To Summer Cocktail Based On Your Zodiac Sign

As a professional wine and spirits consultant and writer, it's easy to get sucked into a rut when sipping adult beverages. I'm guilty of defaulting to the same drink selections when I'm out or at home sipping wine while cooking dinner. That's why I love a good round-up of creative suggestions based on fun pairings. They force me to get out of my comfort zone and try something new.

In this round-up, we've gone beyond the traditional pairing and looked into what your zodiac sign says about what you should sip this summer. I may be a drinks professional, but I am by no means an expert when it comes to astrology, so I consulted with a few in the field to find out a bit more about what your sign says about you and how to pair that unique energy with some of the absolute best cocktails for summer.

Our zodiac experts come with extensive credentials. Penny Sadler is a journalist and astrologist who has studied Vedic and Western astrology and has been reading charts since the 1990s. Erika Beach is a consulting Hellenistic astrologer, researcher, and staff member with Nightlight Astrology and founder of Luna Moon Astrology. "Your Sun sign in Astrology is considered the 'Plot' in your life," says Beach. "[It's] the vital force that drives the perception of your soul, bringing light to your inner core." With this in mind, we've identified the summer cocktails to complement your life plot and get that inner core shining even brighter.

Aries: Spicy mojito

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, ruled by planet Mars and represented by the ram. According to Beach, Aries is a pioneering sign that is "bold, aggressive, active, and overpowering." Sadler notes that they are driven and antagonistic. I've dated a few Aries and can confirm this assessment. It's not all bad, though! Our experts also share that Aries are natural leaders who enjoy the road less traveled, making them the perfect candidates to bring on a whole new drinks trend.

The simple, refreshing mojito is among the most well-known classic cocktails. A typical Aries' strong personality mixed with their natural leadership invites them to give this beloved drink an edgy makeover by making it a spicy one. A few slices of jalapeño muddled in with the mint and lime juice plus a spicy Tajin rim bring a welcome kick to the sweet-tart, rum-based tipple and should appeal to Aries' fiery vibe.

Taurus: Aperol spritz

I am a Taurus, so I was particularly interested in hearing what our astrology experts had to say about this sign. "Taurus is the most sensual sign of all," Beach explained. "It is the sign with the best sense of taste and smell. Taurus does not like change and enjoys things that have stood the test of time." The sign is also known for loving luxury and indulgence. Fair enough.

On that note, the trusty Aperol spritz should appeal to this earth sign's slightly stubborn nature. Not only has this cocktail emerged as the quintessential summer sip and a staple in just about everyone's European travel photos, but it conjures up images of lounging on the Amalfi Coast at aperitivo hour. In other words, the ultimate in cocktail luxury. Don't let that luxury fool you, though. There is nothing fussy or overcomplicated about this drink. The classic Aperol spritz is remarkably easy to whip up with just a few simple ingredients so Tauruses can get to pool- (or coast-) side sipping sooner than later.

Gemini: Bee's Knees

Penny Sadler describes this air sign as curious, social, and communicative. The trickster and magician of the zodiac, Gemini, is depicted by twins. But the meaning of the twins is also somewhat misunderstood. "[Geminis] are great thinkers and seekers of truth, but with constant doubt, which is why they have a bad rap for being two-faced," Erika Beach says. "They are able to see all duality, both light and dark, as this sign is leaving spring (darkness) and going into summer (light)."

Beach also notes that Gemini rules over bees. The perfect cocktail, then, has to be the Bee's Knees. This Prohibition-era cocktail is a simple concoction of gin, lemon, and honey, which, for the Gemini, can represent those herbaceous springtime aromas of juniper and botanicals mixed with the brightness of summer lemons sweetened by warm, luscious honey. The trickster and magician in Gemini will appreciate the origin of this retro cocktail — a take on the traditional gin sour sweetened with honey instead of sugar to perhaps mask the flavor of poorer quality gin that was more widely available during Prohibition.

Cancer: Boozy iced tea

A water sign represented by the crab, Cancer is protective, intuitive, and compassionate. "Cancer are the nurturers of the zodiac, ruled by the moon," says Erika Beach. "Think comfort food or drinks and things that make you feel at home, as this sign enjoys being homebodies. The moon also represents family, mothers, and women."

When I think of comfort food, I think of good old fashioned Southern cooking — complete with a tall glass of iced tea. And, anyone who has ever been treated to that great Southern hospitality knows that this is probably the first thing you'll be offered when a Southerner invites you into their home. The nurturing Cancer will no doubt love an adult version of this refreshing summer beverage. With a handful of basic ingredients, the humble iced tea can easily be turned into a three-ingredient whiskey cocktail to sip on all summer long. With a hearty dose of lemonade added to the mix, this can also become the perfect boozy Arnold Palmer cocktail when hitting the links on warm days. 

Leo: Mai Tai

Ruled by the sun and represented by the lion, Leo unsurprisingly loves the spotlight and being the star of the show. According to Penny Sadler, they can be dramatic and passionate, but also loyal and fun-loving. "They know how to bring out the best in people and they know how to make others shine," Beach says.

The Mai Tai is the ultimate sunny cocktail, packed with tons of delicious fruit flavor, booze, and that festive Tiki aesthetic. Like the Leo, it's not the most low-maintenance cocktail on the block. The classic Mai Tai recipe demands quite a few ingredients, including multiple types of rum, Orgeat, and several different types of fruit juices. And no Mai Tai is complete without the signature maraschino cherry and brightly-colored umbrella for dramatic flair. But the payoff for all that work is unmistakable fun in a cocktail glass, a few sips of which will no doubt bring out the best in everyone, whether you're the one sipping it or just serving it.

Virgo: Ranch water

Practical and hard-working, Virgo is the ultimate earth sign. Unlike many signs depicted as animals, Virgo is depicted as a woman carrying a sheaf of wheat and is often thought to represent fertility, agriculture, and the harvest. "This is the sign of the helper, and doing things for others," Beach notes. She says she has also observed that many winemakers are Virgo, something she is currently researching further, but that may align with the notion of Virgo being represented in agriculture.

Naturally, then, the perfect summer cocktail for this earthy character is a cool glass of ranch water. This may sound like something found at the bottom of a pig's trough, but it's actually a super simple, totally refreshing cocktail that likely originated in Texas. Some think of it as an even lighter take on the skinny margarita while some hail it as the perfect hard seltzer alternative. We think of it as down-to-earth and downright delicious. All that's needed is some tequila, seltzer (many swear by Topo Chico as the go-to choice), and a hearty squeeze of lime. Porch, cowboy hat, and boots are not required but highly recommended.

Libra: Daiquiri

Ruled by Venus, this air sign is represented by scales, symbolizing balance, harmony, and justice. "Libra is able to see the light and dark in all situations, and is one of the friendliest signs in the zodiac as it likes to do what is best for everyone," Beach explains. "It also represents the law and things being symmetrical." Beach and Penny Sadler both note that Libra is often the peacemaker in any setting.

Armed with this information, I tried to think of a cocktail that represented total balance. The answer was obvious to me — the classic daiquiri. Not the frilly, frozen one. The daiquiri as the drinks gods intended: a perfect blend of rum, lime juice, and Demerara syrup (though simple syrup will also do). The magic of this elegant, crowd-pleasing cocktail lies in its perfect balance of sweet and tart, which an expertly crafted daiquiri will offer. This is a timeless drink that belongs in everyone's mixology repertoire, no matter their zodiac sign.

Scorpio: Dark and stormy

The name Scorpio is fitting for this water sign, given its classic traits. "Scorpios have a mysterious aura to them that draws people in," Beach says. "[They are] ruled by the planet Mars, which lets them focus action and energy into what they enjoy, but they will sting you if you ever cross them. They love hard and suffer just as hard."

The perfect summer cocktail for this all-or-nothing sign is, naturally, the dark and stormy. The name may conjure up images of a winter tipple, but it's actually got tropical leanings. Legend says the dark and stormy's roots are actually tied to the island of Bermuda, where a sailor noted the similarity between the amber color of the drink and brooding storm clouds. Whatever its origins, this is a spicy yet refreshing dark rum-based cocktail made with ginger beer, lime, and a quick hit of Angostura bitters for depth. What creates that signature stormy hue is the slow addition of dark rum on top of the light ginger beer, creating a swirling, two-toned hint of drama to the otherwise simple cocktail.

Sagittarius: Honey deuce

There's a lot going on with this fire sign, ruled by Zeus and represented by the archer centaur. According to Penny Sadler, Sagittarius is a philosophical sign that seeks knowledge and adventure. "This sign is visionary, active, and one of the most generous," Beach adds. "They're very impatient and struggle with commitment."

I wanted to find a cocktail that represented this complexity as well as the adventurous visionary nature of a typical Sagittarius. I was almost stumped until I came across the delicious, beautifully hued honey deuce, which gets an upgrade in this modern recipe. It's not an overly simple cocktail, and may take some courage and a bit of skill to get just right. The result is not only delicious, but fresh and different, not to mention the official cocktail of the U.S. Open, thanks to the brightly colored, distinctly tennis-y honeydew melon balls with which it is garnished. A concoction of vodka, fresh honeydew melon juice, Chambord liqueur, ice, and lemonade, this is an essential summer sip that will satisfy the Sagittarius quest for exploration and newness.

Capricorn: Vesper martini

This earth sign, depicted by the sea goat, is pretty unmistakable. Penny Sadler says this sign is driven and practical. Erika Beach digs deeper. "Capricorn is the most hardworking sign in the zodiac and is the chief executive," she explains. "They are overly cautious and inflexible. They prefer to work alone, as they know things will get done by themselves. The sea goat creature was given to Capricorns because they can climb any hill or mountain they are given."

Of course, the Capricorn then needs a drink prepared just so, perhaps just like the one and only James Bond, who knew what he wanted, communicated it, and started an entire drinks trend surrounding this vision. Enter the legendary Vesper martini. Introduced in the very first book in the James Bond franchise, "Casino Royale," back in 1953, the Vesper is as iconic as Bond when it comes to cocktails. Three ounces of gin, one ounce of vodka, and a half-ounce of Lillet blanc, shaken, not stirred, served with a twist will do it for the textbook Bond — and Capricorn — cocktail. This drink is all boss.

Aquarius: Watermelon margarita

Many people assume based on the "aqua" root of "Aquarius" that this is a water sign, but it's actually an air sign. Ruled by Saturn, Aquarius can be fiercely independent and a bit rebellious. "This sign likes to make its own path in life," says Erika Beach. "They are a very social sign and they provide revolutionary challenges good and bad ... they think forward at all times and they are often the ones to see the bigger picture." Both of my kids are Aquarius and this all tracks quite spectacularly.

For this sign that chooses to march by the beat of its own drum, I love the watermelon margarita. It's a super fun, sweet-tart twist on an absolute classic, which makes it perfect for someone who is a rebel with a cause but also takes people along with them for the greater good. Plus, nothing screams summer quite like hunks of juicy, sticky sweet watermelon. Throw in some tequila, a hint of lime, and maybe a touch of mint and we may all be marching — or dancing — to the beat of a drum, Aquarian or otherwise.

Pisces: Penicillin

This water sign, ruled by Jupiter and depicted by the distinctive fish swimming in a circle, is important in its symbolism vis-à-vis the rest of the zodiac. According to experts, Pisces has earned its empathetic persona by being the last sign in the zodiac, thereby absorbing all of the lessons of the signs that came before it. "They see life through a kaleidoscope lens," says Erika Beach. "They are emotional sponges that have the ability to feel how others are feeling. They are concerned with the seen and the unseen. Pisces represents the oceans, which symbolize our emotions, a burden that Pisces often carry due to their sensitivity."

Well, with great power comes great responsibility, which is why the perfect cocktail for Pisces is, of course, Penicillin, that cure-all medical discovery from Dr. Alexander Fleming in 1928 that formed the basis of the world's first antibiotic. Penicillin the drink is a complex potion that blends so many different elements — tart, spicy, herbal, sweet, and smoky, thanks to the mix of different Scotch whiskeys, ginger, lemon, and a touch of honey — that it seems like the sign ultimately meant to appreciate such an elixir is the Pisces. There are several variations out there on this famous drink, but all stress the importance of that heady float of peaty Scotch to engage the senses and cure what ails you. Rumor has it this cocktail is best served alongside grilled fish, which just brings everything full swimming circle, doesn't it?
