The Masterful 3-Step Method For Grilling NY Strip Steak

Once declared by chef Jacques Pépin to be his favorite cut of meat, the good old New York strip is often called the "ultimate griller's steak." Indeed, to fully leverage the cut's deliciousness, you've got to follow this masterful three-step method for grilling that balances direct and indirect heat, followed by resting.


This technique was shared by Ina Garten on her Barefoot Contessa website, but all the credit goes to Mark Lobel, the fifth-generation butcher and owner of Lobel's of New York. He says to start by getting your grill — either charcoal or gas — nice and hot on one side, leaving the other half cool. Set your steaks on the hot side of the grill and cook them directly over the heat for two minutes on each side. As soon as that second two minutes is up, shift the steaks to the cool side of the grill. Cover with a lid, make sure the vents are open, and cook for an additional 8 to 10 minutes. This timing will depend on how thick the steaks are and how you want them done. Use a meat thermometer to check doneness, with rare registering around 115 degrees Fahrenheit, medium-rare coming in around 120 degrees, and medium measuring around 125 degrees.


The final step involves resting the steaks on a plate covered with a sheet of aluminum foil for 15 minutes. After that, it's time to dig in and enjoy.

How this method results in mouthwatering New York strip steak

Lobel's three-step method expertly weaves together a few different cooking styles for mouthwatering results. Exposing the steak to direct heat first gives it a nice initial sear, which creates a caramelized, flavorful crust, thanks to the Maillard reaction. The key to remember during this stage is not to move the steak around or else you interrupt the meat's contact with the grill grates and prevent even browning.


Moving the steak to the cool side of the grill next and covering it with a lid uses indirect heat to gently cook the inside without burning the exterior. You essentially turn your grill into an oven.

The final step of resting is most crucial. Not only does it allow the residual cooking process to work its magic and bring that steak to its final degree of doneness, but it allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat. If you were to cut into the steak fresh off the grill, the juices would simply drip out.

Other grill master tips for perfect steak every time

Whether it's New York strip, filet mignon, or bone-in Prime Rib, the secret to grilling is all in the preparation, according to Michael Lomonaco, chef and owner of Porter House Bar and Grill in New York City. And perhaps the most important thing to remember, Lomonaco tells Chowhound, is to pull the meat from the refrigerator at least 10 minutes before you start cooking it. "If you go straight from the fridge to the grill, the center of the steak is dead-cold and it will throw off your process," he said. "I recommend 10 minutes at kitchen room temperature to ensure that you don't over char the outside while trying to get to your preferred internal temperature."


Lomonaco also stresses the importance of a preheated grill and seasoning simply. No matter what type of grill you have, you want scorching hot grates that will sear on impact. For seasoning, there's no need to get crazy because coarse salt alone will do the trick. Any other seasonings will burn and leave a funky taste behind.

