Can You Buy Alcohol At Aldi?

Known for low prices and quality products, Aldi is an international grocery chain with European roots. In the United States, the store is also beloved for its imported goods and in-house brands, as well as for being a bit of an oddity due to the way the company differs from other grocery store chains. Regardless of location, Aldi stores seem to have something for everyone, and all at a very good price.


Despite having so many decades of success, customers still repeatedly ask the same question: Does Aldi sell alcohol? The simple answer is yes, Aldi does carry alcoholic products, especially beer and wine. The more complicated answer is yes, depending on the laws in certain places.

At European Aldi stores, alcohol (including hard liquor) is pretty easy to find and buy. Finding alcohol at Aldi only becomes complicated in the United States. Based on certain locations in the United States, some Aldi stores will sell alcohol while others will not, because of certain state laws.

Alcohol at Aldi in the United States

The easiest way to find an Aldi store that sells alcohol in the United States is to use the company's store locator, which is conveniently available online. It also helps to know your state's liquor laws, which can seriously affect what alcoholic products Aldi may carry, if any at all. Most states will allow the sale of beer and wine in grocery stores, but there are still some states that do not allow any kind of alcohol to be sold in grocery stores at all.


Although Aldi has to comply with state laws, this has not stopped customers from noticing the lack of alcohol in certain locations. Customers were also quick to notice how readily available alcohol was in European stores by comparison. Some customers on Reddit pointed out that in the United States, some stores lacked a license to sell alcohol, which when combined with the different state laws, is likely why the sale of alcohol is so inconsistent from store to store.

Selling alcohol is not just an Aldi issue in the United States. Companies like Costco will not sell alcohol in certain states for similar reasons. Despite all the complaints from customers in the United States, unfortunately the sale of alcohol is out of Aldi's hands.


