The Free Cheese Service You Should Always Request At Whole Foods

The grocery store isn't necessarily a place to linger. Most shoppers try to get in and out as fast as possible, marking their grocery store visit off their daily to-do list and going about their day. But maybe we should reconsider. After all, your local grocer can provide more than just an easy and convenient shopping experience. They can also offer food expertise, free of charge. One such grocery chain is the wildly popular Whole Foods Market, which has over 500 locations in the United States, Canada, and the UK. But just because Whole Foods is a major chain, doesn't mean you can't find help with an incredibly personal touch.

This is particularly true of the Whole Foods cheese counter, which boasts over 300 Certified Cheese Professionals across 29 locations in 18 different states on its website. These cheese professionals do more than just cut the cheddar, they also offer customers many services that can help you find the perfect cheese for almost any occasion. One service that Whole Foods offers across all locations is free cheese sampling. You can go to cheese counters at any Whole Foods location and request samples of various cheeses, from aged sharp cheddars to more exciting and less common selections such as manchego or Comté cheeses. This service can help turn your basic grocery run into a new opportunity to expand your culinary horizons, or at the very least provide a free cheesy snack between afternoon errands.

Sampling specialty cheeses

But what, exactly, does the cheese section at Whole Foods entail? For one, it allows you to be adventurous in your sampling, as you can choose from a wide selection of cheeses that can compete with many specialty cheese shops. In addition to simply sampling, the cheese professionals at Whole Foods can help you assemble a truly stunning cheese plate — selecting cheeses that complement and contrast each other, along with tasty pairings of fruits, meats, nuts, and even some fantastic wine pairings. These services can help you to make the most of your fromage.

Additionally, you can also request specific sizes for your cuts of cheese. This can help you ensure you have enough (or simply not too much) cheese based on your dinner, party, or snacking plans. Then again, you can always just stick with the free-of-charge sampling service and take an imaginary sojourn to a French fromagerie, taking in all the varied and delicious cheeses your local Whole Foods Market has to offer.
