How Long You Can Keep That Open Bottle Of Ranch In Your Fridge

Ranch is, without a doubt, the most popular salad dressing in the United States. The creamy dressing, which was invented in the 1950s, has since become a staple in many American households. And buttermilk ranch dressing isn't just used for salads, either. It's a delicious dip for vegetables, chips, and even pizza. The flavors of ranch have even made their way to powder form — typically found in chips of both potato and nacho varieties. That being said, the most popular iteration of the dressing can likely be found in your fridge right now, and it's even more likely that your bottle of ranch is already open. But how do you know if that ranch is still good, and how long does an open bottle of ranch dressing last in the refrigerator?

Well, the answer is pretty cut and dry, at least according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Per the USDA, an open bottle of ranch dressing can last up to two months in the refrigerator, which is good news for those who tend to keep bottles in their fridge for extended periods. Of course, this is only general guidance, and it's still important to keep signs of spoilage in mind before you use that open bottle of ranch. It is also important to keep the expiration date in mind, and always check to make sure your bottle is safe for consumption.

Making sure your ranch is still fresh

Of course, there are several ways to extend the shelf life of your ranch dressing. For one, you'll want to ensure that you keep your dressing in the refrigerator after opening. Keeping it at room temperature can foster the growth of potentially harmful bacteria. Additionally, you might want to rethink keeping your ranch dressing in the door of your fridge, because this is where temperature fluctuations often occur due to frequent opening and closing.

And just because your ranch can last two months in the fridge, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't exercise some caution in whipping out your bottle of dressing. There are a few things that you should look out for to make sure that your dressing hasn't gone bad. If the dressing smells off (more vinegary or abrasive than usual), it's most likely time to toss it. Changes in texture, such as clumping or watery separation, can also mean that your dressing might be spoiled. Keep an eye out for mold or changes in color as well.

However, it's also important to note that your ranch may have gone bad with little to no signs of spoilage. It's best to pay attention to the expiration date because this will best indicate when to toss your bottle in the trash. That being said — as long as you're mindful of the expiration date and signs of spoilage, that bottle of ranch can last a lot longer than you might expect.
