Turn Leftover Holiday Ham Into The Next Morning's Eggs Benedict

Anyone who's hosted a holiday gathering knows that one thing is sure to happen at the end of the festive day: leftovers. While you might be scratching your head at how, exactly, you're going to make your way through the multitude of Tupperware containers in your fridge, if you have leftover holiday ham, there's an easy and tasty solution: Make eggs benedict for breakfast.


The best leftovers are those that can be repurposed into a new recipe. Leftover holiday ham — whether it's been honey-roasted, smoked, or glazed with honey mustard — makes for a perfect protein to add to the next morning's eggs benedict. Though it might seem complicated, the classic brunch spot favorite — made by stacking protein (typically a pork variety like Canadian bacon) and a poached egg atop an English muffin, then covering the whole thing with a creamy, rich hollandaise sauce — can be made at home.

Plus, since you don't have to worry about preparing the meat component separately, this holiday breakfast treat will be even easier to make. To assemble, all you need is your leftover holiday ham, eggs, a package of English muffins, and a few simple ingredients for homemade hollandaise sauce. So go ahead, spruce those leftovers from your holiday feast up, and don't be afraid to get saucy with it. 


How to make your own holiday ham eggs benedict

Making your own eggs benedict with leftover holiday ham is a creative way to try some fairly simple cooking techniques you may not have tried before. For instance, it gives you a chance to switch up your favorite egg preparation method and try poached eggs instead. Gently drop the eggs in a large pot of simmering water, then carefully scoop them up with a spoon.


To make hollandaise sauce, melt some butter and whisk together egg yolks and citrus juice, then add water or heavy cream and any seasonings (such as salt and pepper, or perhaps cayenne for some heat). Then, temper the egg yolk mixture by steadily and gradually whisking in some of the hot melted butter, and finish the sauce by heating everything in a saucepan with the rest of the butter. Alternatively, you could use a double boiler to prepare the sauce — the gentle heat will help prevent the eggs from scrambling. 

Once your eggs and sauce are ready, toast your English muffins and warm up that sliced leftover holiday ham. If you wish, jazz up the ham with some leftover glaze or orange marmalade to amplify its flavor. Layer the ham on the bread, followed by a delicate poached egg and a generous scoop of hollandaise. Then, garnish it all with chopped parsley for added bright, herbaceous notes. The result: A breakfast to remember, and probably the best way you've made use of holiday leftovers.


