The Last Day You Can Still Use Heavy Cream After Opening It

Chances are, there's a carton of heavy cream floating around the back of your fridge. And, chances are, you have probably forgotten that you have heavy cream in your fridge. So, is it time to toss that cream, or does it still have some time left as a useful and delicious ingredient? Well, it depends. But you might be surprised at how long heavy cream can last after opening. According to the USDA, heavy cream can last for one whole month in the fridge if kept at a proper temperature.


Of course, this only applies to heavy cream that has been through ultra-pasteurization, a process by which dairy products are heated to at least 280 degrees Fahrenheit for at least two seconds. This process sterilizes the product before consumption and helps to ensure a longer shelf life. Heavy cream from smaller creameries, that have not been ultra-pasteurized will have a shorter shelf life. However, in general, heavy cream lasts longer in the fridge than regular milk. This is in part because of its high-fat content, which prevents it from going bad as quickly.

You will also want to pay attention to the best-by date on the container, and if you're unsure as to when exactly you purchased and opened your heavy cream, it might be better to play things safe and toss the carton out. And even if your heavy cream is well within the month-long shelf life, you will still want to look out for signs of spoilage, to make sure you aren't consuming a spoiled product.


How to know if your heavy cream has gone bad

So how do you know if your heavy cream has spoiled? Well, there are a few key signs of spoilage to look out for when assessing the dairy product. For one, if your cream has a sour or unpleasant smell, it's fair to say that you should go ahead and toss it, as a distinct and sour smell can indicate spoilage. Likewise, if the cream has a bad or metallic taste, you will want to go ahead and toss it. The texture is also a good indicator of the cream's freshness. If your cream has a slimy or chunky texture or is not mixing well with other liquids, it's likely time to toss the carton and go for a new container.


The best way to avoid tossing your heavy cream is simple — store it properly. Improper storage can greatly reduce the shelf life of your heavy cream. Factors such as inconsistent refrigerator temperature, or storing your cream in areas of the fridge prone to temperature changes, such as the door, can have an impact on how long your cream is good for. It is also important to make sure your cream isn't sitting on the counter for prolonged periods, as warmer temperatures make for the perfect breeding grounds for potentially hazardous bacteria. So next time you reach for that long-neglected carton of heavy cream, exercise some amount of caution before consuming.

