Anthony Bourdain sitting at bar

Why Anthony Bourdain Considered Chicken Caesar Salad A Red Flag



While it’s offered by many different restaurants, some critics aren't impressed with the chicken Caesar salad, and Anthony Bourdain was one of them.
Bourdain told First We Feast, "They didn't put that up there because they love chicken Caesar; they put that up there because they know it'll sell."
The chicken Caesar is sold everywhere with little variation. The chicken is usually plain, dry grilled chicken, and it isn’t prepared
like a traditional Caesar salad.
The dish's predictability is what makes it a safe choice for consumers, but predictability is something chefs find boring if they're trying to craft innovative experiences.
Bourdain believed that a menu should have a personality that reflects the chef rather than try to be everything for everybody. Spoken like a true artist: You can't please everyone.