A hot dog with mustard and chips on a red checkered tablecloth

These Hot Dog Brands Use The Lowest Quality Ingredients



Ball Park

Ball Park Prime Uncured Beef Franks use ingredients like dextrose, potassium lactate, sodium phosphate, and sodium diacetate for flavor, preservation, and texture.
Uncured hot dogs like these use natural sources of nitrites, such as celery powder, which have been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers and type 2 diabetes.


Kayem Beef & Pork Hot Dogs contain two types of added sugar — corn syrup and dextrose — as well as additives like potassium lactate, sodium diacetate, and sodium nitrite.
Excessive consumption of sodium nitrite can specifically elevate the risk of a few types of cancers and type 2 diabetes. Other long-term effects are not yet understood.


The primary ingredient in Gwaltney Original Chicken Hot Dogs is mechanically separated chicken, which is made by forcing chicken through a sieve to separate the meat.
This can make the final product far less nutritious and more processed. They also contain corn syrup and a variety of fillers, including sodium nitrite.


Bar-s Classic Franks use mechanically separated chicken and additives such as corn syrup and dextrose (types of processed sugars), modified corn starch, and sodium nitrite.
The list goes on with sodium phosphates, potassium lactate, and sodium diacetate, adding to the overall processed nature of the product.


Costco's Kirkland Beef Hot Dogs have ingredients like dextrose, a corn-derived sweetener, and sodium nitrite, a common preservative linked to potential health risks.
On top of that, Kirkland Beef Hot Dogs are notably high in fat, saturated fat, and sodium, which can be concerning if consumed in large amounts.