Assortment of foods on a wooden table

The US Invented These 'International' Foods



Orange Chicken

Orange chicken is an American-Chinese food classic, combining classic flavor combinations of Chinese cuisine with influences of spice, sweetness, and a sour edge.
The dish was invented by Panda Express chef Andy Kao in 1987 and comes from one of their Hawaii locations. It has since made its way to almost every Chinese buffet across the U.S.

Spaghetti & Meatballs

While the origins of spaghetti and meatballs are foggy, the dish was invented by Italian immigrants in America during the late 19th or early 20th century.
The meatballs were a particularly American innovation, as many Italian immigrants had struggled to afford meat in Italy, but the ingredient was affordable in their new homeland.

German Chocolate Cake

This cake doesn't have any connection to Germany and was created in 1957 in Dallas, Texas. It was named after the baking chocolate German's Sweet Chocolate.
German's Sweet Chocolate was named for its creator, Samuel German, who reportedly wasn't German. NPR says his own origins are either American or English, but it's not clear.