The Simple Test To Pick The Best Pineapple Every Time
If you want to choose a perfectly ripe pineapple, you can easily test it right in the produce section: Simply tug on one of its many spiky leaves and see if it comes loose.
Most pineapples have 30 to 40 thick, spiky green leaves sticking out from the fruit's stem. If you pull on one and it comes out easily, the fruit is ripe and perfectly sweet.
However, if it takes considerable effort to remove a leaf, it is likely unripe and not tasty. This is because the leaves transform as the pineapple ripens, loosening over time.
Brown, dry, and wilting leaves likely indicate an overripe pineapple. Keep in mind that an underripe pineapple won't continue to ripen as it sits on your counter.
In addition to pulling a frond, you can check the color, weight, and firmness. Ripe pineapples should be light to medium yellow in color, heavier, and have a bit of give.