Rachael Ray smiling.
The Secret Ingredient Rachael Ray Uses For Nut-Free Pesto


Pine nuts have an oily, buttery texture and a mild sweetness, so their elimination from a pesto recipe leaves the overall dish a little more lacking than it ought to be.
However, on her website, Rachael Ray shared that for her, the addition of capers to a pesto recipe is the secret to making an imminently flavorful sauce sans pine nuts.
Capers, while certainly not similar to the subtle taste of pine nuts — green olives would be a decent comparison — have an acidic and tangy taste with a hint of a lemony flavor.
Additionally, capers are somewhat firm, meaning their addition to pesto will add a textural boost. If you use capers preserved in olive oil, they can also lend an oily element.
Not only will the oil act as a replacement for the oils and fats you'd lose from the pine nuts' absence, but it will also help preserve your pesto and keep it from turning brown.