When selecting an oil for shallow frying, you’ll want an oil with a higher smoke point, durability, a pleasant price tag, and a nice flavor that won't distract from your dish.
The best candidates are mild-flavored, higher smoke point oils like safflower, sunflower, and canola. They are high in unsaturated fats and are a healthier alternative.
Olive oil will work for shallow frying with delicate ingredients — especially with a Mediterranean palate. Just make sure to avoid heating it up excessively.
Rapeseed oil is an excellent option to get the skin on a fish filet extra crispy, while the nutty notes of sunflower oil will complement batter for fritters.
For stir-frying, safflower or canola are your best bets. Since these oils are also fit for deep frying, you won't have to worry about ruining your meal.