purple cabbage with a wedged manderin

Mandarin Oranges Are Your Secret Weapon For Bright,

Juicy Coleslaw



Although the traditional coleslaw recipe holds a particular place in our hearts, there's a quick and easy way to enhance it for your next meal: add mandarin oranges.
Mandarins add a gentle, fruity sweetness to the dish that is not overbearing because they contain citric acid. It adds an acidity to the mandarin that pairs well with any vinegar.
The coleslaw will taste familiar, but the flavors added by the mandarins ensure that it'll still feel new too. The mandarin wedges or zest will also
provide a pop of color.
Tangerines, clementines, and satsumas—the three types of mandarin —will work nicely. Tangerines' acidity adds extra tartness, while clementines and satsumas provide more sweetness.