Ina Garten smiling while posing with her cookbook.

Ina Garten’s Pound Cake Is Keeping A Boozy Secret



The new pound cake recipe from Ina Garten’s book, “Go-To Dinners: A Barefoot Contessa Cookbook,” features a blend of three simple ingredients that truly make her cake stand out.
To enhance the flavors of her buttery, vanilla pound cake, Garten incorporates lemon zest and brandy (or cognac) into her vanilla extract — reminiscent of a sidecar cocktail.
Lemon zest adds a punch of bright flavor to your pound cake, complementing the floral aspect of vanilla and cutting through the fat-rich base of your cake without overwhelming it.
Since it’s derived from fermented fruit juice, the addition of brandy — or one of its variations, such as cognac — will integrate a vibrant taste, enhancing the flavor of vanilla.