Meat and vegetables cooking on the grill.
How To Test For Your Grill's Hot Spots Using Bread


Grills have hot spots that can significantly impact cooking times and outcomes, particularly when grilling meats. Fortunately, there’s a hack you can use to locate these hot spots.
Preheat your grill for about 15 minutes on high. Then, cover the entire grate of your grill with slices of cheap white bread, laying them flat and lining them up side by side.
Let them grill for a few minutes on medium heat and then flip each slice. Flip the bread over in the same order you laid it down so each piece grills for the same amount of time.
Look at which slices have burned the most, and there are your hot spots. This hack works on gas grills, pellet grills, and even griddles — as long as they’re maintained and clean.