A closeup of grilled shrimp.
How To Get The Most Flavor From Your Shrimp's Marinade On The Grill


According to Jonathan Bautista, executive chef of Ember & Rye restaurant, making flavorful grilled shrimp hinges on allowing enough time for the shrimp to soak in a marinade.
"Marinades should be added one to two hours prior to cooking," he explains. "Marinating shrimp for at least an hour helps the flavors penetrate properly."
Letting the marinade fully infuse is essential, as it will help to eliminate the fishy taste in shrimp and bring your desired flavors to the forefront.
Bautista also applies a second helping of marinade when the shrimp hits the grill. Brush it on immediately, since the shrimp will be ready in just a few minutes.
You can use fresh marinade that you've set aside in advance, or boil your shrimp-infused marinade before basting to rid it of potentially harmful bacteria.