Exterior of Joe's Stone Crab

How One Florida Restaurant Ended Up With The Highest Sales In America



Joe's Stone Crab in Miami Beach, Florida is a mom-and-pop location that’s so popular, it topped Restaurant Business's 2024 list of Top 100 Independents with $49,413,190 in sales.
Since 1913, Joe's Stone Crab has been iconic for its stellar food, high-class atmosphere, and rich history. Founder Joe Weiss's family is intimately involved in the business.
Jesse Weiss drew people in with his boisterous stories, and Jennie Weiss would reject non-ideal clientele like cheaters. Ironically, it was one of
Al Capone's favorite restaurants.
As its name suggests, Joe's Stone Crab is known for its stone crab claws, served chilled with sides of hashbrowns, cole slaw, and mayonnaise. These were added to the menu in 1920.
The restaurant’s high standards are maintained today, with the dress code being "business or smart casual attire." Diners are encouraged to
grab a drink at the bar while waiting.