Champagne's fizziness only lasts for about 24 hours. After that, the sparkling and lots of the drink's flavor fade, leaving you with a flat, slightly vinegary, unpalatable drink.
Once you open a bottle of champagne, the bubbles, which are essentially carbon dioxide, pop, and the gas dissolved in the wine escapes into the open air, resulting in a flat drink.
Ideally, you should consume champagne within a day of uncorking it. However, when properly cooled in the fridge, an opened champagne can last three to five days before flattening.
Per the Iowa State University Midwest Grape and Winery Institute, lower temperatures increase the solubility of carbon dioxide, helping the wine retain its fizziness for longer.
Many believe placing a spoon handle in the bottle helps preserve the bubbles, but Stanford University research says refrigerating the bottle open — without the cork — is enough.