Pile of Sumo citrus fruits

Here's What Makes Sumo Citrus Both Special And Expensive



A Sumo citrus is an orange, pomelo, and mandarin hybrid which hit its stride in the States when Whole Foods began carrying it in 2011. It’s a very unique and expensive fruit.
Sumo citrus can cost $4 to $6 per pound, as harvesting it is a labor-intensive process. Everything has to be done by hand, from pruning the trees to wrapping the fruit in clay.
At harvest, the fruits are hand-picked and packed into pallets, as the fruit is prone to bruising. In addition, it is only available from January to April.
Sumo is the brand name for the shiranui citrus, which was originally hybridized in Japan in 1972. Today, it is also grown in California, Australia, Brazil, and South Korea.