Various cocktail drinks on a wall paper background.
Drinks Bartenders Secretly Hate Making


Dive bars are unfussy and affordable, and often these local haunts have some great stories, but the last thing you want to order is a margarita.
Fresh lime juice is a key ingredient in the perfect margarita, but dive bars typically use sweet and sour, which contain high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors.
Unless you’re at a steakhouse or a cocktail lounge don’t order a Manhattan because most places don’t have the right ingredients like dark cherries and simple syrup.
So stay clear of Manhattans because good bartenders don’t want to disappoint their customers, leading to small tips and wounding their pride.
When a bar is busy, a lot of bartenders will tell you that they hate making mojitos and other labor-intensive drinks that require a lot of muddling.
Ordering a drink like a mojito will slow down a bartender's workflow and some places don’t have enough room to prep and lay fresh ingredients for a mojito.
Deconstructed Cocktails
Most bartenders are happy to create delicious and complex-tasting cocktails, which is why they scoff at customers who order deconstructed cocktails.
Bartender Julien Whaley said his number one pet peeve is when someone asks him to bring a deconstructed cocktail to the table for them to mix themselves.
Pina Colada
A fun night at a music venue isn’t complete without a few drinks but troubling a bartender for a blended drink like a pina colada is not considerate.
The sound of a blender hacking away at some ice cubes while a band is performing will irk everyone at the venue, so stay away from blended drinks.