different types of sashimi
Does Costco Sell Sushi-Grade Salmon?


Most grocery chains do offer some form of sushi-grade fish — such as salmon — but when it comes to Costco, the answer isn't as black and white as yes or no.
Costco does sell "sashimi quality" fish, but that's not quite the same thing as sushi or sashimi-grade. However, sushi-grade fish does not have a concrete definition.
The FDA lacks clear regulations defining fish safe for raw consumption. Sellers generally consider fish safe if it's fresh and handled carefully to prevent food-borne illnesses.
Therefore, terms like sashimi quality and sushi-grade are largely marketing tactics. "Sashimi quality" is ambiguous, and there's no way to know what it really means.
The safety of raw fish depends on the expectations of the seller. When buying salmon for raw consumption, ensure it's either super fresh or flash-frozen to kill bacteria.