Clever Ways To Make Use Of Leftover Coffee Grounds
1. Scrub
Old coffee grounds can be the star ingredient in a homemade exfoliating body scrub. Simply add the grounds and an equal amount of sugar to any oil that's good for the skin.
The nitrogen and carbon in coffee grounds neutralize bad smells. You can put used coffee grounds in your refrigerator, car, or shoes to absorb stinky smells.
Coffee grounds can also get rid of bad smells on your skin. Simply rub coffee grounds on your hands after you've finished cutting strong-smelling foods like onions.
Putting coffee grounds in your garden can improve the structure of the soil and help with drainage. Coffee grounds also attract worms that oxygenate and repair soil.
Old coffee grounds can find new life as a scented candle. You can use an old mug as the container and wax from nearly finished candles for a wholly upcycled project.