Crab apples, the miniatures of regular apples, are safe enough to eat, but they taste sour at best and bitter at worst. However, that doesn’t mean their uses are purely ornamental.
Their sourness does well pastries like pies and strudel, and their pectin content is good for jams and jellies, but you'll need many of them if you swap them in for regular apples.
Crab apples hail from a plant genus in the Rosaceae family known as Malus. While they do produce pretty flowers, the fruits they bear aren’t exactly tasty.
Note that the seeds of crab apples can turn poisonous once ingested, thanks to the cyanogenic glycoside in them. When your tummy metabolizes that substance, it turns into cyanide.
However, per Healthline, you'd have to eat large amounts of the seeds to get harmful levels of cyanide in your body. With all that said, it’s best to keep your pets away from them.